Improper diet, a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of nutrients provoke the development of various musculoskeletal disorders. One of the most common lesions is cervical osteochondrosis. This is due to their excessive mobility and the increased burden on the department. The first signs of a violation require the consultation of a specialist and the appointment of the correct treatment. This includes taking medication, physical therapy procedures, and therapeutic exercises.
Brief information about the disease
Cervical osteochondrosis develops against the background of severe wear and tear of cartilage tissue and bones. With age, the intervertebral discs between the vertebrae lose their elasticity and become more prone to damage. Therefore, the disease is diagnosed in an average of 90% of retirees. Chronic illness develops after a temporary remission, which is usually facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, bad habits, and the specifics of professional activity.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine develops gradually, so it is usually divided into several stages. In the initial stage, the elasticity of the intervertebral discs is noticeably reduced, microcracks appear in them. The symptoms are almost imperceptible and last for a short time, so that patients rarely go to the doctor on time and attribute the symptoms to fatigue.
As the disease progresses, severe pain gradually develops, especially with prolonged exposure in one position, dizziness, numbness in the shoulders or face, panic attacks, and coordination problems. It becomes more difficult for the patient to keep the head in one position, and vision and hearing problems arise. Ignoring such symptoms is dangerous as it often leads to serious complications. The symptoms of the disease are the same in men and women.
Treatment regimen for osteochondrosis
Treatment for cervical osteochondrosis begins with a diagnosis. It allows not only to identify the pathological process, but also the degree of its distribution, the severity of the course and the presence of concomitant diseases. The chosen tactic of dealing with the problem consists of the following points:
- Prescribing medication (NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, corticosteroids, B vitamins). All of these drugs are aimed at relieving swelling, improving blood flow, restoring damaged disc tissue, and protecting nerve endings.
- Physical therapy. Procedures are prescribed only after the acute stage has ended. The main methods are electrophoresis and magnetic therapy. They help restore the flexibility of the neck and strengthen the effect.
- Manual therapy. It is used to reduce the manifestation of pain in the acute phase and restore the correct position of the spine. The procedure is carried out by a surgeon who is sufficiently qualified for this activity. It is worth checking this before starting the session.
- Exercise therapy. Special therapeutic exercises or exercises specially tailored to the patient will help cope with the pathological process. Complexes developed by doctors have also proven themselves well in this area.
With the permission of the doctor, folk remedies can be included in the scheme that will eliminate unpleasant symptoms. However, self-substitution of the options selected or increasing the dosage may adversely affect treatment in general, so caution should be exercised.
Treatment activities
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a long-term process that includes various methods of eliminating unpleasant symptoms and restoring damaged cartilage tissue. The main objectives of the therapeutic course are:
- Relief of unpleasant symptoms (headache, numbness, inflammation, paralysis) during an exacerbation of the pathological process.
- Normalization of blood flow in the affected area.
- Restoring the nutrition of cells and tissues to maintain their structure and function.
- Eliminating the cause of the development of the degenerative process.
- Prevention of possible complications.
Many patients are interested in whether osteochondrosis can be cured?Therapy received in time at the stage of exacerbation makes it possible not only to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also to slow down the degenerative process in order to achieve stable remission. Damage in stages 2-3 is already irreversible and the patient has to live with the diagnosis for life. Regular examination by the attending physician to determine the dynamics.
Drug therapy
It is better to start treatment for cervical chondrosis by taking pain relievers that will help manage unpleasant symptoms. This is effective up to stage 2 of the development of the pathological process, when the fibrous ring is not yet destroyed. The main goal is to prevent damage to the cartilage tissue and achieve stable remission. Different groups of active substances are used for this.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Treatment of chondrosis of the neck is not complete without the use of NSAIDs, as this group of drugs allows you to stop unpleasant symptoms during an exacerbation of the disease. NSAIDs help remove swelling and inflammation, which makes pain relievers more effective.
They are used in the form of tablets, ointments, or injections. The form of injections is one of the most effective, but it is most often used in the hospital when the patient is in a serious condition.
The course of treatment with drugs of this group is no more than 14 days. After that, disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. If the patient has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, drugs are prescribed at the same time as the prescribed means to protect the mucous membrane of the organ.
Muscle relaxants
Any treatment regimen for cervical osteochondrosis always involves taking medications to get rid of muscle spasms. It's a natural response to inflammation. They are prescribed in the form of injections at the beginning of treatment, after which it is recommended to replace them with tablets.
The course of treatment with muscle relaxants should not be longer than 1-2 weeks, as these can be easily addicting. After reducing the manifestation of pain and eliminating the spasm, they are canceled.
Hormonal drugs
They are prescribed to patients to get rid of pain when the pathological process has developed to 2-3 degrees. Hormonal agents have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and help to quickly get rid of an unpleasant symptom. It is unacceptable to use drugs from this group during pregnancy or with a high likelihood of an allergic reaction.
Steroids are prescribed with caution and in combination with others, as the likelihood of side effects is high. Your independent appointment is unacceptable.
It is impossible to completely cure osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic region, but there are a number of drugs that are aimed at regenerating damaged tissues. They are called chondroprotectors. They are used in the form of ointments, injections and tablets. The last form is the most convenient so that you don't miss an appointment when you are out and about.
On average, treatment with chondroprotectors lasts 3-6 months. Ointments are mainly used for prophylaxis, as they are the least effective. When choosing injections, 10-12 injections are enough to start the regeneration process.
physical therapy
It is only during remission that various physiotherapeutic methods are used to fight the disease. They are prescribed to strengthen the muscle corset, improve blood circulation, normalize well-being, and relieve pain. The following procedures apply:
- Electrophoresis.
- Magnetic Therapy.
- Acupuncture.
- Treatment with leeches.
- Massage.
Osteochondrosis cannot be cured by some physical therapy procedures. Many techniques have a number of contraindications, for example, pregnancy and lactation, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
physical therapy
Various exercise therapy complexes are useful in restoring the natural position of the spine. At home, you can study according to special programs. Physiotherapy is carried out according to a number of rules. All movements are carried out smoothly, with no sudden movements, at the same time of day. The complex usually includes the following approaches:
- The head tilts 2 times to each side.
- Lower your arms along your body, raise your shoulders, rest for 10 seconds. Return from the starting position.
- Hang on the horizontal bar for 10 seconds. Repeat several times throughout the day.
- Lie on a hard surface, hang your head down from the edge, gradually lifting it up while contracting only the muscles of the cervical spine.
Osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine requires lifestyle correction. Exercise should be a part of life in order to maintain the health of the injured area and the spine as a whole.
Conservative therapy does not always give the expected result, the doctor prescribes surgical intervention. It is performed in the neck or chest area, only with severe compression of the spinal nerve, with deformation of the vertebrae or acute compression of the spinal cord. The operation is performed from the front of the neck or from the back, depending on many factors. The surgeon's main job is to eliminate instability and compression. The following techniques are used for this:
- Spinal fusion. It involves connecting the vertebrae to limit their mobility. It is widely used to treat osteochondrosis. Reduces the flexibility of the neck, but permanently solves the pain problem. A bone graft is used during the surgery and is held in place with metal clips, rods, and plates. They increase the speed of fusion and the stabilization of the cervical spine. The implant is taken from the donor or the patient himself, usually from the thigh area. To do this, an additional incision is made during the operation.
- Dissectomy. The problematic intervertebral disc is removed and the bone segments are fixed to one another. Special screws are used for this. Thus, uncomfortable symptoms are eliminated and spinal cord compression is eliminated.
- Correctomy. Not only the affected intervertebral disc is removed, but the entire bone element. As in the previous case, the spine is stabilized with special screws and fasteners.
- Laminectomy. The vaults of bones, spurs, and ligaments are removed, which puts pressure on the spinal cord. This will allow you to create the right space that will ensure the normal functioning of the organ. But the procedure destabilizes the ridge, so the use of ties is required.
Possible risks and consequences of the operation are discussed with each patient individually. The most important ones are swallowing difficulties, voice changes, breathing difficulties, infections or anesthetic reactions.

Advising the patient during an exacerbation
An exacerbation of osteochondrosis lasts an average of 3-5 days, but it depends on the age of the patient, the extent of the lesion and compliance with the doctor's recommendations. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate the damaged area with ointments or massage, this will only aggravate the situation. To alleviate the condition, the following measures should be taken:
- Take a comfortable position. In the acute phase, the cervical spine needs complete rest. Therefore, if you experience pain, you should lie on a flat surface and try to relax completely. This position will temporarily relieve the pain and overall alleviate the condition.
- Take a pain reliever and call a doctor for advice. Do not hope that the disease will go away on its own and start treatment as soon as possible. Drugs alone are not enough to slow down the degenerative process, an integrated approach that includes physiotherapy procedures and special exercises is required.
- Buy an orthopedic collar (shantsa). This device is available from most specialty stores. It prevents the cervical vertebrae from moving, thereby minimizing the likelihood of deterioration. Depending on the density of the material, the collar can be hard or soft, but in any case it reliably fixes the neck in one position.
The choice of drugs is carried out by a doctor, taking into account individual characteristics and the presence of contraindications. Standard pain relievers may not work if the cartilage is badly damaged. In this case, only epidural blocks will help. Therefore, it is better not to take into account the advice of relatives and neighbors.
Testimonials from patients
For a long time, osteochondrosis has been treated with various discomfort relief methods. Therefore, many patients doubt the effectiveness of the chosen regimen. Patient reviews help understand the treatment problem.
- "I've been treating osteochondrosis in the neck for more than 6 years and have never tried it. Pills were prescribed at first, but they only relieved the pain. Then he went to the exercise therapy and physiotherapist practice for a long time, but the result did not show for long. A cumulative effect is suspected everywhere, but the disease itself does not go away. As long as there is no negative dynamic, the doctor will prescribe conservative treatment, but it will already be difficult to work with the same rhythm. "
- "I haven't been to the doctor for a long time with pain in my neck, which caused the intervertebral disc to collapse. Tablets do not bring any noticeable relief, but while taking them I use rubs and compresses. They help best with potatoes and honey. But as the disease progresses, I consider surgery, but this is the last resort. "
- "I was diagnosed with osteochondrosis a few years ago, unfortunately I lost a lot of time on treatment with folk remedies, I was afraid of pills and so I didn't take them. As a result, the disease progressed rapidly, including obesity and constant strain on the neck. Now pain killers are of little help, severe pain is a constant problem, and numbness of the skin has appeared. The doctor hasn't suggested surgery yet, but I think it will be around the corner if this treatment regimen doesn't work. "
Treatment of osteochondrosis involves an integrated approach that includes various modern techniques and medicines, massages and alternative medicine prescriptions. Only this approach can slow degenerative changes in bones and connective tissue, achieve stable remission, and maintain quality of life while minimizing the risk of serious complications.